Friday 11 November 2016


Today I would like to share with you the plan how to redecorate your spare room into home office space with Ikea pieces. Very often to change the space you don't have a huge million pounds budget. Yes, when I was working for the interior design company in London, most of the bights were ridiculous. However we can create something nice and cosy with some of your old pieces and some pieces from IKEA. I have posted above a mood board with all the furniture from Ikea with the prices, however the chair is Charles Eames chair and original is quite pricy, you can find a emase replica on ebay for much less. The quality will not be the same, so I would recommend just finding some different piece on ebay and renovating it. Believe it will work as well. Another thing is with wardrobe, I would suggest just repainting your old wardrobe white or very light grey and it will do a job. 

Hope you enjoyed this post, Next will be how to change the room above into nursery. 

Wednesday 2 November 2016


Today, I would like to share with you some work space inspirations for home office

All images sourced from Piterest

Personally, I love large desks or tables, as I always keep too many things... I also thing that you don't need to buy a desk it can be a dining table as well, and very often they look cooler than some desks

Here are few tables/desk from Ikea for quite a reasonable price

the round table can be very interesting in the office room and can give different dimension for the space